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Regular changes since March 4,2013 have touched upon a singlelist of objects(products)of certification,assessment,confirmationof conformity of which is carried out through the adoption of adeclaration.The adjustments were made No.182 by the Government Decree,which approved the new editionNo.982 of the Russian Federation.It is known that construction andfinishing materials are not subject to the norms of mandatorycertification,since for this category of products a declaration ofconformity GOST R is required according to the above list.Thecertification system for windows and doors,for example,provides forthe possibility of obtaining a voluntary certificate that confirmse,significant properties of the product.

So from a single registry by the Government Decree,a mandatorydeclaration of conformity for customs is drawn up for the followingrange of product units:

•OKP 5772-polymeric and otherproducts,materials.Balcony,door,window blocks based on polymericmaterials.

•OKP 5770-window,balcony from aluminum alloys and doorblocks.Building products,constructions,elements from aluminumalloys,aluminum.

•OKP 5361-joinery.Balcony,door,window wood,aluminum,woodenblocks with the exception of window blocks for industrial,poultryand livestock buildings.

What is a certificate for windows and doors?

Windows and doors,like other building products,are subject tomandatory certification.Under the sertifikation understand acertain procedure for obtaining confirmation of the quality of thegoods according to the approved quality standards.Quality productsare confirmed by obtaining a quality certificate,which certifiesthat the windows manufactured by the company comply with thestandards of the production system of this manufacturer.Doorquality is certified by door certification.

The quality of windows must meet the following criteria:

•strength of corner joints of frames;


•light transmission coefficient;


•noise insulation,


•thermal conductivity.

A certain quality is presented to the glass.A double-glazedwindow is a window construction consisting of several layers ofglass,connected by a spacer in one piece.The chamber of adouble-glazed window is filled with special gas or dried air.Thequality of the double-glazed window is confirmed by obtaining acertificate for double-glazed windows.

Features of the certification procedure for windows anddoors

Certification of doors and windows,double-glazed windows iscarried out in several steps.First,an application is submitted fora specific test in a laboratory that has the appropriateaccreditation.Then it is directly checked whether the products meetthe standards of existing standards.Based on the result of thecheck,a declaration of conformity is made on the windows.Get acertificate for the window is issued to the applicant along withtest reports.

If the manufacturer uses single-chamber and two-chamberdouble-glazed windows for window units,then each option is testedindividually,but one certificate for double-glazed windows and twotest reports are issued.

It should be borne in mind that getting a certificate of qualityfor windows and conformity is not the same thing.Compliance isconsidered a primary document,therefore,if it is available,it isnot necessary to confirm the quality of sertifikatom products.

In order to increase the competition of windows and doors,themanufacturer can optionally receive a certificate of doors andwindows,compliance in the GOST R system.There are such schemes ofcertification of windows and doors:

-Quality system GOST R-declaring of products based on a specificprocedure,which confirms the guaranteed quality of products.Thistype of certification is paramount,its presence confirms theabsence of technologies and products that are dangerous for theconsumer and the environment.Get a certificate for windows or otherproducts.

-ISO is an international system for assessing the quality ofproduction.This system does not regulate the product qualitystandards,namely the presence of an ISO certificate determines theefficiency of the organization of production and management,onwhich this quality depends.

-Technical Regulations-the basic requirements of technicalregulations,adopted and entered into force standards of the stateand countries of the Customs Union.There are minimum necessarysafety requirements that are necessarily applied or enforced by alltechnical regulation participants.Fire safety and consumer safetyregulations apply to windows and doors.

The hygienic certificate for PVC windows and the doors andfittings that they use is issued as a result of product inspectionfor compliance with the maximum permissible sanitary safetystandards,and meet the uniform sanitary and epidemiologicalmeasures.

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