俄罗斯汽车零部件EAC认证,Russian Auto Parts

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Legislative changes will once again affect the safety of wheeledvehicles in Russia.

The system of certification of auto parts in accordance with theexisting legal framework is guided by the Technical Regulations ofthe CU,within the framework of Decision No.877 of the Customs UnionCommission(revised January 30,2013),where the list of vehiclecomponents to be assessed,confirming compliance with the CU TR018/2011 is determined.

However,as it became known from the publication in officialsources,approved by Decision No.6 of the EEC Council(March30,2013)with new changes,the Technical Regulations will enter intoforce in the area of territorial coverage of the Customs Union fromthe first day of January 2015.

Certification of auto parts is a complex of certain proceduresin accordance with existing norms,requirements,rules established bylaw.The purpose of this procedure is to determine their level ofsafety.This is part of the process of mandatory state control overthe quality of the goods manufactured and put into circulation inRussia.

Most of the auto parts falls under the current TechnicalRegulations,which determine the degree of safety of wheeledvehicles.This entails the design of a special document,which meansthe conformity of the TR product under registration number018/2011.

Vehicles are a dangerous source forothers.Often,accidents,accidents on the roads occur due to the factthat auto parts of cars are made poorly,did not transfer thenecessary loads during the operation period.In order to prevent,toavoid such cases,careful inspection is necessary,the implementationof special measures.

Certification procedure for auto parts is also subject to theestablishment of technical regulations and consists of severalstages:

•A corresponding application is submitted to the certificationauthority(center).

•The required package of documents is being collected.

•A sample of the product is provided for the necessary checksand examinations.

•Special laboratories with appropriate accreditation aretested

•The results of inspections are made in writing.

•A decision is made on the conformity of the product,issuing aTP certificate.

•The executed document in a single database is registered,issuedto the applicant.

Some time ago,the procedure for obtaining permits documentationof spare parts was mandatory for obtaining.It was carried out bythe GOST R system with design in yellow color.However,when theGovernment's Decree of 2010 was put into effect,a mandatory checkcame into force in accordance with the Technical Regulations.Thistype of permits is still carried out in accordance with GOST R,butthe structure of the sertifikata itself has undergone somechanges.

Parts for certification are classified as follows:

•Electrical equipment(instrument lamps,headlights,sparkplugs).

•Parts of the body(door,glass,luggage compartment,hood).

•Transmission devices.

•Spare parts for gas distribution system.

•Engine and cooling system.

•Fuel supply(pump,gas tank).


A certificate is considered mandatory for auto parts,which areclassified as the most dangerous devices.A detailed list of themcan be found in PP number 982.

Registration of auto parts of the necessary documentation forauto parts is carried out only with the presence of a preparedprotocol of the product sample,which has passed the requiredtests.Therefore,in order to contact the laboratory,it is necessaryto provide a sufficient number of samples so that the examinationcan be carried out quickly and efficiently.

Mandatory certification of auto parts can be carried out using astandard scheme,which evaluates the serial production range ofproducts,as well as for each individual batch.If the authorizationdocument belongs to the manufacturer,then according to thisdocument it is allowed to transport any number of spare parts untilit expires.In other cases,moving abroad limits the number of autoparts on the document.

In addition to the mandatory registration of permits for autoparts,there is also a system-a voluntary system for registration ofauto parts.This procedure is issued,it can be either for parts thatrequire mandatory compliance(specified in PP number 720),and othertypes of such products.To obtain voluntary registration,you shouldcontact the appropriate issuing authority.When contacting ourcenter,a certificate for auto parts is issued and issued inaccordance with the requirements of the Russian standard.

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