日本国际医疗展及医疗产业大会(MEDICAL JAPAN)是日本新兴起非常专-业的综合医疗展会,该展会涵盖了康复、日常医用品、耗材、医疗仪器等综合性展览会。MEDICAL JAPAN也是亚洲非常大的B2B展会,展会主办方希望可以在未来的年内把本展会发展成拥有1,400家展商和60,000名专-业观众的大型展览会。
MEDICAL JAPAN is the most professional comprehensive medicalexhibition emerging in Japan. The exhibition covers comprehensiveexhibitions such as rehabilitation, daily medical supplies,consumables, and medical instruments. MEDICAL JAPAN is also thelargest B2B exhibition in Asia. The organizer of the exhibitionhopes to develop this exhibition into a large-scale exhibition with1,400 exhibitors and 60,000 professional visitors in the comingyears.