iPS细胞全名为诱导性多能干细胞(英语:Inducedpluripotent stemcell),又称人工诱导多能干细胞,早由日本学者山中伸弥的研究团队于2006年发现,iPS细胞与胚胎干细胞拥有相似的再生能力,理论上可以分化为成体的所有器官、组织。而相比胚胎干细胞,iPS细胞面临的伦理道德争议较小,且应用该技术可以产生基因型与移植受体完全相同的干细胞,规避了排异反应的风险,iPS细胞在一定程度上冲击了胚胎干细胞在再生医学中的地位,被认为在再生医学及组织工程方面拥有较为广阔的应用前景,有望为治愈糖尿病、关节炎等疾病提供新的思路。
The fullname of iPS cells is induced pluripotent stem cells (English:Induced pluripotent stem cells), also known as artificially inducedpluripotent stem cells. It was first discovered in 2006 by theresearch team of Japanese scholar Shinya Yamanaka that iPS cellsand embryonic stem cells have similar regeneration. Ability,theoretically, can be differentiated into all organs and tissues ofthe adult body. Compared with embryonic stem cells, iPS cells faceless ethical and moral controversy, and the application of thistechnology can produce stem cells with the same genotype as thetransplant recipient, avoiding the risk of rejection, so iPS cellshave a certain impact The status of embryonic stem cells inregenerative medicine is considered to have broad applicationprospects in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering, and itis expected to provide new ideas for curing diabetes, arthritis andother diseases.