Under the Clean Air Act (CAA), EPA sets limits on certain airpollutants, including setting limits on how much can be in the airanywhere in the United States. The Clean Air Act also gives EPA theauthority to limit emissions of air pollutants coming from sourceslike chemical plants, utilities, and steel mills. Individual statesor tribes may have stronger air pollution laws, but they may nothave weaker pollution limits than those set by EPA.
Read more at The Plain English Guide to the Clean Air Act
On this page:
Greenhouse Gases (GHGs)
Climate Change
Indoor Air
Stationary Sources
Clean Air Markets (includes Acid Rain and Cross State AirPollution Rule (CSAPR))
Criteria Air Pollutants: Carbon Monoxide, Ground-level Ozone,Lead, Nitrogen Oxides, Particulate Matter, and Sulfur Dioxide
New Source Performance Standards (NSPS)
New Source Review (NSR)/Prevention of Significant Deterioration(PSD)
Ozone Layer Protection
Operating Permits/Title V
Toxic Air Pollutants (Hazardous Air Pollutants)
Transportation: Mobile Sources
On other pages:
Cross-Cutting Issues: Lead
Cross-Cutting Issues: Mercury