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- 上海福贸展览服务有限公司商铺
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- 福贸展会大鹏
- 国际展会组展组团zpexpo
- shzpexpo
- 福贸国际展览
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- 展位安排-搭建-布展
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- 标准展位确定,海外企業,福贸展会大鹏,海外バイヤー歓迎,基础展位装修
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- 上海市-福贸展会大鹏zpexpo
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- 15821106898
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Started as an expanded versionof the construction materials division of JAPAN SHOP in 1995,ARCHITECTURE + CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS has been held every yearsince then. It has now grown into a comprehensive exhibition ofmaterials and other related products indispensable for buildingvarious architectural structures in the city. The comprehensiverange of exhibits includes all construction materials for housing,stores, commercial and business buildings as well as relatedsystems and equipment.
Exhibitor Brochure (PDF) &APPLICATION FORM (typable)
March 4-7, 2025
Tokyo Big Sight, East Hall(3-10-1 Ariake,Koto-ku,Tokyo)
Range of Exhibits
<General ConstructionMaterials and Related Products Zone>
Interior / Exterior decorativematerials
Plywood and Fiber boards,Decorated plywood, Wall and Ceiling covering, Tiles / Stone,Bricks, Metallic and Ceramic siding, Curtain walls, Glass, Interiorfinishes, etc.
Tiles, Flooring, Barrier-freeand OA flooring, Deck plates, Floor heating, Coated flooring,Flooring materials, Tatami mats, etc.
Roofing / Ceilings
Metallic and Slate roofing,Roofing tiles, Rain chutes, Crest tables, Roofing materials,etc.
Doors and Openingparts
Doors, Automatic doors, Windowsash, Shutters, Partitions, Stairs, Handrails, Grilles,etc.
Films, Paints, Coatingmaterials, Adhesive / Sealant, Gaskets, Repairing materials,Architectural hardware, Screws, etc.
Construction materials andFunctional materials
Foundation/Structure supportmaterials, Fire prevention and proofing, Acoustic absorbent / Noisereduction, Thermal insulation, Water proofing / Moisture-proofmaterials
Other materials
Carpets, Flooring, Curtains /Blinds, Wall covering, Furniture, Other interiormaterials
Canvas related(Canvas,Tents,Sheets,Awnings,Screens,etc.)Pavement (Pavementmaterials, Drainage / Grilles for roadside trees, Road markingmaterials, etc.), Lighting / Signs, Shelters (Gates / Walls /Fences, Outdoor shelters, etc.), Furniture (Outdoor furniture,Decorative hardware, Toilets, Bollards, etc.), Public art(Monuments, Art objects, Wall paintings, Relief, etc.), Greenerysystems, Landscaping materials / Play ground equipment and otherexterior materials
CAD / CG, Software for costestimation and management, Databases, etc.
Design / Constructionrelated
Urban development,infrastructure maintenance, redevelopment construction methods,construction machinery for work, drafting supplies, measuringinstruments, tools, construction and construction methods, unitconstruction and buildings, scaffolding and curing sheets,temporary building materials such as scaffolding, curing sheets,temporary enclosures, guard fences, on-site work supplies such ashelmets, work clothes, safety shoes, etc.
Facility equipment
Air conditioning / Ventilationequipment, Water heaters, Solar heating, Kitchen Appliances,Bathroom / Bath accessories, Plumbing equipment, Elevators,Lighting, Disaster prevention equipment, Mailboxes, Home automationdevices, Parking facilities, etc.
Energy Saving, Energy Creationand Energy Storage Materials / Facilities
Heat insulating, heatshielding, well shielded material / paints, Natural ventilationsystem, Roof & Wall greening, Natural lighting system, Cool & Heatstorage materials, Energy management system, Solar power, Fuelbattery / Rechargeable battery, Others
Smart Home-related IoT devicesand electrical equipment
AI speakers, remote devices,IoT platforms, electronic locks, smart appliances, connectedkitchen equipment and homes, wireless power supply and powergeneration equipment, building materials, ZEH-related equipment,etc.
Earthquake Resisting Device /Materials / Service
Quake resistant materials andReinforce member, Vibration Control and Base isolation system andmethod, Earthquake countermeasure facilities and service,etc.
Information / Publishing /Consulting / Franchise recruitment
< Sustainable Office &Workplace Materials / Facilities Zone >
Office furniture and fixtures,office partitions, floor equipment, storage, remote meetingequipment, video and audio equipment, sustainable buildingmaterials for offices, remote office booths, etc.
< Architectual DX Zone>
Design and on-site constructionmanagement systems, drones, construction robots, BIM/CIM, matchingsystems for human resource utilization, 3D printers, ICTconstruction equipment, remote systems, etc.
< Wooden Structure BuildingZone >
Construction material and partsfor wooden structure building, Wooden building construction methodand hardware, Coating material for wood, Furniture, Various woodproducts for interior and exterior use, CLT building materials,etc.
< Disaster Prevention andMitigation Building Materials Zone >
Waterproofing materials andmoisture-proof materials as structural and functional materials.Roofing materials and opening with increased windproof andwaterproofing functions in addition to mouth components, materialssuch as moisture permeable tarpaulins, water-stopping plates,sandbags, power generation and power facilities and managementsystems, etc.
< Antimicrobial, Antiviraland High Functionality Building Materials Zone >
Antimicrobial, antiviral,photocatalyst technology application products, coating agents,exterior and interior building materials, Glass, film, airpurification and water purification, self-healing, humiditycontrol, antifouling, antistatic, antistatic Introducing buildingmaterials with high functionality such as heat, deodorization,fireproofing and fire prevention, and soundproofing
< Comfortable Living SpaceZone >
Built-in garage, sauna room,music room, workspace, theater rooms, fireplaces, fitness/gymrooms, tea rooms, cabins, etc.
Housing design, buildingmaterials and services. Soundproof materials, sound-absorbingpanels, partition doors, space-saving Products and buildingmaterials, such as a base-type desk, and new products that combinecomfort and design.
Construction and renovationproposals, etc.
< Condominium Management andRemodeling Zone >
Large-scale repair work, repairof water supply and drainage pipes, air conditioning, lighting,etc., equipment such as security system, communication network,construction management plan, planting, non-life insurance,maintenance / inspection, consulting, remodeling services andbuilding materials, etc.
Prospective visitors
Building / Design Office(Architect)
Housing maker
Real estate,Developer
Trading company,Wholesaler
Material, Fixture and Furnituresuppliers
National / Localgovernment
Distributor (Retailer, ServiceIndustry)
Maintenance agency
Outsourcer (Buildingowner)
Nikkei Inc.
[Tokyo Big Sight]
Building MaintenanceCONNECT
Good Appliance ExpoTokyo
成立日期 | 2008年07月02日 | ||
法定代表人 | --- | ||
注册资本 | 1800 | ||
主营产品 | 服装鞋包展|礼品家居展|跨境电商展|纺织面辅料展|体育健身展|园艺五金展|食品展包装展|华交会 | ||
经营范围 | 展览会招展及会议组织 | ||
公司简介 | 日本杂货展,日本化妆品展,日本宠物展,日本箱包展,日本鞋展,日本服装纺织展,日本体育展,日本健身展,日本游乐设备展,日本玩具展,日本珠宝展,东京礼品展,美国宠物展,美国服装展,美国鞋展,美国礼品展意大利鞋展,意大利礼品展,德国鞋展上海情趣展,中国服装服饰展,中国劳保展上海华交会,上海建筑展,上海医药机械展,提供専業境外展会信息咨询,周到细致展位安排及后续服务致力帮助中国企业通过展会更好开拓国际市场 ... |
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- RETAILTECH JAPAN 2025retail information system福贸展会大鹏:国际展会组展组团zpexpo
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- SECURITY SHOW2025 security and safety industry福贸展会大鹏:国际展会组展组团zpexpo
- JAPAN INTERNATIONAL FRANCHISE SHOW2025 franchise exhibitions福贸展会大鹏:国际展会组展组团zpexpo
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- GOOD LIFE フェア 2025日用品・雑貨メーカー福贸展会大鹏:国际展会组展组团zpexpo
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