2025日本东京国际时尚服装服饰展览会 Fashion World Tokyo 2025 春季展期:2025年3月26-28日(樱花季) 秋季展期:2025年10月1-3日(赏枫季) 展览地点:东京有明国际展览中心 主办单位:RXJapan 株式会社-日本励展集团 中国组展组团:上海福贸展览服务有限公司 展会热线:福贸展会大鹏zpexpo | 海外潮流品牌展; 國際時尚代工展 SUSTAINABLE FASHIONEXPO 日本本土時尚展;國際可持續時尚展SUSTAINABLEFASHION EXPO 海外面輔料展 SUSTAINABLEFASHION EXPO |
日本规模蕞大的纺织服装及鞋包产业展FASHION WORLDTOKYO是近年来日本蕞为炙手可热的服装鞋包贸易展,每年的参展商和观展人数都快速增长。服饰,配饰,鞋子,箱包,男装,女装,纺织品和制造加工一应俱全潮流女装展区展示了女装穿搭的潮流趋势,是走在潮流前线的任何人都不容错过的非常佳展区。展会预定现场更是“一位难求”,许多企业需要提前一年预定,才有机会订到展位!専業来访人员包括来自各大贸易商社负责人、百货店采购负责人、设计师、品牌渠道商、零售店、连锁商场采购人员等等。拥有庞大市场以及强劲的购买力做支撑,使得日本市场对世-界-各-国的贸易商充满了吸引力。 |
iOFT -国際メガネ展-(INTERNATIONAL OPTICAL FAIR),メガネ.コンタクト.補聴器(Eyewear/Contact Lens/Hearing Aid),メガネ.サングラス(Eyewear/Sunglasses)
we are specialized in top-grade polycarbonate(PC) lensproduction, PC products including Finished & Semi-finished, SingleVision & Bifocal & Progressive Lens, Blue block & Photochromic &Polarized &Myopia Defocus Control lens.
&デザイナー EXPO(BRANDS & DESIGNERSEXPO),バッグ(Bag),シューズ(Shoes)
Le Roux Leather treasures the vast family knowledge that’s beenpassed down for centuries, underpinned by a fundamental love ofdesign to infuse a rich South African heritage into each and everyproduct we create. We strive to showcase fine, natural Ostrich,Bovine and Oryx leather products that are uniquely crafted and madelocally. Meticulous attention to detail combined with the use ofluxurious locally sourced hide, guarantees that all our productscarry our stamp of premium sophistication and elegance with onlythe highest quality finishes.
Le Roux Leather