德国柏林维纳斯国际成人用品展览会VENUS创办于1997年,由柏林会展集团公司主办,venus-festival是以成人用品、网络与多媒体为主要展示内容的専業性贸易展会。为了给展商和専業贸易观众提供一个更好的交流平台,主办方特将B2C及B2B展区区分开来。特设立AsiaHall,是纯贸易馆(Pure businesshall),这意味着大声音乐及秀是不允许的,展馆入口对所有观众开放!展会总开放18,20,21及Palais四个展厅,其中18号厅融合B2B及B2C,但展厅内不容许大声喧哗,更注重商务洽谈气氛的营造;20号厅融合B2B及B2C,该展厅偏向营造一种轻松愉快地洽谈氛围,将有音乐和表演上演;21号厅及Palais展厅为B2C展厅,届时将有各式表演上映!
Up to two trade visitor tickets per company are free of charge,each additional ticket then costs only 60€ per day, a permanentticket . You can find the access to the online B2Bregistration here. The B2B ticket is valid from Thursday to Sundayand grants access to all exhibition areas.
If you have any further questions and would like personaladvice, please contact our te
Since 1997, VENUS Berlin has annually showcased trends andinnovations in the fields of erotica and lifestyle. With over 250exhibitors from 40 countries, it is the largest international tradefair of its kind. In the exhibition halls beneath the Funkturm,producers and wholesalers present their services and products inthe areas of fashion and lovetoys. They all benefit from theattention of more than 30,000 visitors who are drawn every year bythe mix of professional product information at the booths anderotic entertainment on the show stages. This internationallyrenowned fair attracts visitors, industry professionals, and mediafrom around the world to Berlin each year.