As the downward pressure on the economy continues to increaseand many industries have been greatly affected, the labor insuranceshoe industry in Gaomi City has achieved growth against the trend.In 2015, labor insurance shoe manufacturers above designated sizecompleted 9.69 billion yuan in main business income and 9.8 billionyuan in profits and taxes. 100 million yuan, profit of 640 millionyuan, an increase of 11.8%, 9% and 8.5% respectivelyyear-on-year.
ChinaInternational Occupational Safety & Health GoodsExpo
Venue:Shanghai New International Expo Centre, Shanghai,China
ExhibitionSpace 80,000㎡
Number ofExhibitors 2,000
Number ofVisitors 30,494
Attendeesfrom Overseas 16 countries
ChinaInternational Occupational Safety & Health Goods Expo (CIOSH),supported by Ministry of Commerce of PRC, sponsored by ChinaTextile Commerce Association, is the national professional expo.The history of CIOSH dated back to the 1960s, twice per year. Withtransformation from planned economy to market economy, CIOSH hasdeveloped into an influential brand expo with the function ofcentralizing all the fine goods and enterprises of production,supplying and selling instead of distributing the national productsin the labor protection industry.
Personalprotective equipment (head, eye and face, foot and hand protectionequipment, protective clothing, fall protection equipment,respiratory protection equipment, water life-saving equipment,etc.)Safety production equipment.
E1: Foot andhand protective equipment, safety productionhall
E2: Hand andfoot protection products, safety productionhall
E3: Head,eye, face and respiratory protection equipment, epidemic preventionmaterial hall
E4: Fullrange, fire fighting equipment, emergency rescue and supportingsecurity hall
E5:Occupational clothing and raw materials, fall protection equipmenthall
E6:Professional clothing and raw materials, product demonstration andfunctional areas
E7:Comprehensive hall of personal safety protection equipment andepidemic prevention materials
Add: 403,Grand building, 1951 Lianhua South Road,Shanghai,China